Katie's Book Corner: Story of a Soul: The Life of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

Years ago whilst I was becoming Catholic, a former tutor of mine sent me a book called "Story of a Soul: The Life of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux". As I learned about the saints, I remember Saint Thérèse mainly due to her fascination with Saint Joan of Arc, of whom, the latter became my Patron Saint. The book was always on my list of something to read, but I guess Saint Thérèse wanted me to listen to her words more recently. The following will be my first entry into "Katie's Book Corner", a review of "Story of a Soul: The Life of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux". In this immensely captivating autobiography, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux takes the reader on her life's path from a little girl with a big dream to a humble and selfless Carmelite nun. Throughout the autobiography, Saint Thérèse is open and honest about the struggles she went through including mental hardships, overcoming temptation, and defying those who did not believe her holy call to become a nun. B...