2021: A Look Back

As 2021 has come to a destined close, I felt it best to write a retrospective of the ups, downs and adventures of such as ever-changing year. 

Beginning in January, my Mother and me kicked in the New Year with a watch of "Gone With The Wind" and enjoyed our usual Snowball Cake. Soon after, second semester of Freshman year began as I continued with my Major in Dance. In the Spring I was met with a personal hardship of bullying and harassment on social media. I will not go into great detail, but the ramifications left me with a broken heart and a deleted Twitter account. I realized that the app, although a presumably great way to connect with people, is a weapon of disaster for some, and by my conscience, I knew when to leave. During the time I was getting through finals and doing my best to keep my grades in check. This was a lot of pressure and stress to have, but by God's grace and direction, I passed my exams and received A's in my finals. 

On May 3, I turned 21 years old. My party, as quiet as could be was filled with the incredible love of my Mother who bestowed a gorgeous "Gone With The Wind" theme, matched with a grand menu named after each character in the movie. My mother painstakingly cooked a steak dinner, in addition to giving me 21 special gifts. She did this because so many birthdays of mine growing up was difficult, mainly due to finances and moving. I really saw the amount of love she showed me on this day and appreciated every moment. 

                                                                                      At 21 years old

By Summer, my Mother and me decided to take a holiday. Due to a very special friend who guided and helped me during the difficult time I received earlier in the year, my Mother made a point to drive me out of state to meet my friend. Our meeting was a highlight of 2021 and gave me the validation I desperately needed. While there, we toured some historical buildings and eventually made our way to the East Coast. This was my first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean and it was absolutely beautiful. The blue waves and crystal sand was phenomenal to witness. On our way back home, we also traveled to the Chimney Rock National Park where they filmed one of my favorite films "The Last of the Mohicans".  We also visited some marvelous Cathedrals which featured immaculate love for Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. Through this year I grew deeper in my faith and visiting these Pillars of Earth showcased magnificent beauty second only Heaven. On our way home we picked up someone who would bring us a whole new dynamic in our home...Miss Bonnie Blue the Old English Sheepdog. Her namesake? "Bonnie Blue Butler" from "Gone With The Wind", the daughter of my namesake "Katie Scarlett O'Hara".

    Bonnie's first day home (two months old)

Life with Bonnie...how do I even begin? What a whirlwind this furry friend has brought to my life. Starting at two months, Bonnie was pretty wild and misbehaved. It has taken months to reach into the spirit of Bonnie and pull her to be tame. From staying up through the night, messing in her crate, barking, nipping, biting, being disobedient on the leash, etc. - it has been a long road. Although Old English Sheepdogs are known for their gentleness and calmness, puppies are indeed a handful and test the patience of anyone. From potty training to bathes to brushing Bonnie has come a very long way from the rambunctious pup we picked up in August. Flashing forward to now, Bonnie is good during her baths, enjoys walks, allows us to pet her, wants to be in the middle of everything - and most of all, adores food. My mother and I even call her "foodie" (among other names such as "Bonnie the Bear" and "Wiggles McGee"). In October, my mother and me took Bonnie to my University to be blessed by my Chaplain in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. I have learned that through Saint Francis' guidance and prayer, I believe he has definitely interceded and helped Bonnie on her way to pup-adulthood. 

                                                                           Bonnie at six months old

In the interim of Bonnieisms, I made a trip to the most lively city in the U.S.A, Las Vegas, Nevada. Although the hometown of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, this journey had a much different ring to it.....the annual "Star Trek" convention. While at the convention, I was able to meet an array of incredible people and actors, many of whom starred in my favorite series "Voyager" and "Deep Space Nine". The experience was beyond joyous and validating. 

As Seven of Nine on my final day at STLV

Inside the STLV Borg Alcove 

Following our Las Vegas trip, my mother and me returned home and picked up Bonnie from her boarding stay at the Vet. The experience of loneliness changed Bonnie for the better and made her tamer than ever before. Not soon after, I began my sophomore year in college. In addition to majoring in Classical Ballet, I decided to take up another passion: Criminal Justice. I chose to minor in this field, inspired mainly by my mother who was a former Law Enforcement officer. My fall classes in sophomore year went relatively well and I ended the semester with good grades. In ballet, I was able to perform in "The Nutcracker", after a year of abstinence due to COVID restrictions. The experience was wonderful and I danced as a "Soldier Brigade" and "Chinese Dragon". During this time, the holidays came and went...Halloween, Thanksgiving and my favorite of them all: Christmas. We attended a beautifully magnificent Christmas Eve mass at our Cathedral. The music was absolutely amazing and glorious. 

In closing, I would also like to take a moment and share what kept me grounded this entire year: my Catholic faith. Starting in the beginning of the year in reading my Douay Rheims Bible in chronological order to reading different stories of saints, I grew very close to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Reading her autobiography "Story of Soul" was refreshingly beautiful and saying the rosary almost everyday (I missed a few days, unfortunately) really helped me in the darkest and confusing times. Being a Traditional Catholic, I believe in veiling, but also took my spirituality a step further by kneeling before the Holy Eucharist (and thanks to COVID restrictions being lifted) taking the Body of Christ on my tongue. To those who are not Catholic, or not even spiritual at all, this may sound foreign to you, but to me, it has made me a better person. I would not be where I am now without my Catholicism and the Church. It is my home.

At my hometown Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Cheerful tidings of a blessed and Happy 2021 Year!


  1. That's wonderful to hear, Katie. I'm glad your faith has helped you through the rest of the year. And I'm glad you got a new pup too. I'm still on Twitter if you ever come back, and it's been depressing not having you there. I use it a lot less than I used to though. Hope this coming year is goes well for you.


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