2020: A Year of Reflection

Wishing you all a very blessed and Happy New Year. May 2021 bring a sense of comfort, peace and success in whatever you do.

Vintage New Year Postcard


Although 2020 gave us many hardships, trials and tribulations - we all have an inner strength to get through such times. For me, this last year was one of growing and learning. In January I traveled to the state of Indiana to attend a ballet conservatory. The host-family I stayed with was very gracious and gave me a sense of family while away from mine. While attending the conservatory, I traveled out of state auditioning for colleges, only to leave a few months after the COVID-19 outbreak. In these times of loneliness, I held strong in my faith and was grateful to have remained healthy. The day after my 20th birthday, I was reunited with my mother. Due to COVID regulations we had to quarantine for 14 days. While doing so, both me and my mother were able to share stories of events that took place while I was away and watch some of our favorite television programs.

                                                                          Me prior to my Indiana trip

Following our quarantine, we returned to my Grandmother's house and continued to care give to her during the summer months. By July, I chose my university and we packed up to move to the state of Indiana. With my mother beside me, we drove throughout the western USA to the east. With hotels full and looking for housing in our new state, the trip was full of memories. While the move was hard, there were many blessings along the way. During our road trip to my new home state, I was fortunate to see some historic American landscapes from Mount Rushmore to the Crazy Horse Memorial. Prior to starting my first class, I was told that due to my high GPA in high-school, I received a full scholarship my freshman year.

At Mount Rushmore 

Unfortunately my 2020 had its downside as well. On top of a worldwide pandemic and the stress of finding housing in a new state, I was heavily bullied and stalked on social media. For sharing certain opinions, I was attacked to the point of where I almost deleted my social media accounts. These attacks were so personal that I even made my Twitter private for a good while. After confiding in my mother, close friends and spending time in prayer, I became more emboldened. I decided to not delete my accounts and focus on the positive things in life. With the strength I had gained through this ordeal, I ended up making many new friends and was blessed with those who stayed strong for me. 

Not long after this ordeal, my mother drove us down to Bloomington, Indiana to attend the Captain Janeway Statue unveiling. Being a traditional Star Trek fan, the occasion a wonderful event and a true highlight of my 2020 year. Additionally, I began taking part in a Star Trek podcast which has brought great joy to my life and I've made good friends. To quote my mother "when God closes one door, He opens another."

                                                       Standing beside my favorite Starfleet Captain 

In early November I casted my first Presidential Vote. As a young adult and American citizen I was proud to do something for the betterment of this nation. By the end of the month I passed all my semester finals and we recieved news that our belongings from storage would arrive in December. Due to COVID restrictions, my ballet program would be unable to perform its "Nutcracker" live. Thankfully we were able to perform with masks on a taped video for a virtual audience to see. 

                                                                                En pointe after classes

During these months we have been able to attend Catholic Mass at our local Cathedral. A beautiful way to close 2020 was being present at our first Christmas Mass in our new home state.

                                                                              At Christmas Eve Mass

The year 2020 gave both trials and blessings, but ultimately a form of peace in the most simple sense. I learned not to give up and not back down from whatever came towards me. I am grateful for my family, friends and good health. 

Blessings of prosperity to all my readers and their loved ones. Cheers to a wonderful 2021! 


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